DL7APV Pulsare detection





Recorded File:





Seems Another fail with the WIN software with only 3h

But 6h with the linux maschine was better, but very weak!




2nd attempt looks much better and as well the results with only for channels of the Win machine are much better!


3rd attempt looks not bad in Win/Tempo, but no peaks at Pdot..



4th attempt was successful, but better signal with 2MHz RTL as with 10MHz Airspy !








Last and 4th attempt

RTL Dongle result:

Lots of qrm

But 4,68 is not bad

Not easy to see here… BUT:

Slight optimum at P-Dot and F-Dot

Better S/N in presto

And 10MHz Airspy result :






1.   Try






With 6h linux




2nd attempt



3rd attempt




And with 10MHz and Presto







Last update may 2021